Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Possible Career Choices

Dearest Tan, Relaxed and Hotter than ever Bianca,
Welcome back from Mexico! I'm so glad you made it home safely! I didn't want to say anything before you left, but I was worried sick you were going to be taken in by the Mexican Mob or Policia. But all my time spent worrying was silly because you had a fantabulous trip! I can't wait for you to tell me all about it.  As much as you squeezed in at yoga last night, I feel there's WAY more we need to talk about!
Ever since you left I've been looking for career openings for Professional Island Hopper.  While, I haven't found that title, I think a few come close.

Here are our next possible career choices:
Tiger Woods' Next Mistress
Flight Attendant on Scary Propeller Plane
Tropical Island Fisherwoman
Poacher of Rare and Wanted Tropical Fish
Shark Wrangler
Beach Sand Analyzer
Wife in Harem of Saudi Prince with Yacht
If any of those look promising to you, let me know and I'll send over the application (the application process is a bit dicey on a few of those... just so you know).
While you were away I got a lot of playing in with the DramaWhores. We gambled, drank, ate and, as usual, our friends ruined lives. Needless to say, it was a great two weekends (the work week, not so much). I missed you like crazy every time I went to roll my eyes or point and giggle (I would never point and laugh at one of my friends), because no one was there on
the receiving end.

I am SO excited for this weekend! Algebra's band playing on Friday, Preston's birthday on Saturday and then our favorite couple are returning from living in NYC and throwing a bash on Sunday! Ah, it's spring, Bianca! Every weekend just gets better than the last!
AND the Utah Jazz are kicking Denver's butt in the playoffs! (Normally, I love all things Denver, but in this case, EAT IT, THUGGETS!)
Kind of Enjoying Being A Jazz Fan,

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