Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sex and the Mommy
It is 70 degrees outside right now, and it snowed yesterday. Not only did it snow yesterday, but it stuck to the roads. What is going on in the motherwarming world!? Help us, Al Gore, help us all.
In totally awesome omfg news, SLCinNYC went to the NY premiere of Sex and the City last night. She said it's better than the first and couldn't believe it, but the most loveable character is Miranda! In foursomes accross the country, girls are fighting over who has to be the Miranda. Everybody wants to be the Carrie, of course, and nobody will admit to being the Samantha (although every group of friends has one), but nobody wants to be the Miranda. She's a work-a-holic who's outfits are lackluster at best. And she was mean to Steve, the sweetest fictional man alive. Real life Miranda, Cynthia Nixon, had an interview with Matt Lauer this morning and they showed a clip where she hates her job at the law firm and might quit. Miranda the stay-at-home-mom? I can't wait to see this movie...
I've come to the realization that my mom might be a Samantha. In the short five days she's been in town from San Diego, I've heard comments such as, "Some men just need Viagra, trust me"... and "That guy can dance, you know what that means." "Yeah, mom I know what..." "He's good in the sack"... "Ok, well that was one of those things that was implied, but good to know it's on your mind". In her menopausal years she's really become comfortable with her sexuality and isn't afraid to express it or use it against me at any time. If I sass her, instead of getting mad at me or sassing me back, she just says something sexually embarrassing in front of strangers. It's unconventional, yet surprisingly effective. My mother is a doctor's wife. A country clubbing, tennis playing, couture wearer, yet the most inappropriate woman I know. And she raised a Charlotte. Who knew?!
I can't wait to see SATC on Thursday. We have 12 tickets... Our friends are so obnoxious it's going to be incredible. I've prepared enough cosmo so we can all have our own flask full of pink inebriated goodness. In the meantime, I'm making a sex tape. Kendra of The Girls Next Door likeness has two sex tapes being released this week. She's already made over $500K, and will collect on half of the profits (not to mention more reality shows and fame). While shocking that a sex tape guarantees fame (need I mention Kim Kardashian, the household name and idol of young girls everywhere), I am not above it. Ok, maybe I'm above it, but it's still amazing. Although there is a video camera on my new iPod...
I hope you're enjoying this beautiful sunny day. I can't wait for Memorial Day, our marathon, and most importantly, the opening of the Bridget family pool! Utah, in Summer you're not so bad. In fact, I love you.
Hugs, Kisses and Cosmos,
It is 70 degrees outside right now, and it snowed yesterday. Not only did it snow yesterday, but it stuck to the roads. What is going on in the motherwarming world!? Help us, Al Gore, help us all.
In totally awesome omfg news, SLCinNYC went to the NY premiere of Sex and the City last night. She said it's better than the first and couldn't believe it, but the most loveable character is Miranda! In foursomes accross the country, girls are fighting over who has to be the Miranda. Everybody wants to be the Carrie, of course, and nobody will admit to being the Samantha (although every group of friends has one), but nobody wants to be the Miranda. She's a work-a-holic who's outfits are lackluster at best. And she was mean to Steve, the sweetest fictional man alive. Real life Miranda, Cynthia Nixon, had an interview with Matt Lauer this morning and they showed a clip where she hates her job at the law firm and might quit. Miranda the stay-at-home-mom? I can't wait to see this movie...
I've come to the realization that my mom might be a Samantha. In the short five days she's been in town from San Diego, I've heard comments such as, "Some men just need Viagra, trust me"... and "That guy can dance, you know what that means." "Yeah, mom I know what..." "He's good in the sack"... "Ok, well that was one of those things that was implied, but good to know it's on your mind". In her menopausal years she's really become comfortable with her sexuality and isn't afraid to express it or use it against me at any time. If I sass her, instead of getting mad at me or sassing me back, she just says something sexually embarrassing in front of strangers. It's unconventional, yet surprisingly effective. My mother is a doctor's wife. A country clubbing, tennis playing, couture wearer, yet the most inappropriate woman I know. And she raised a Charlotte. Who knew?!
I can't wait to see SATC on Thursday. We have 12 tickets... Our friends are so obnoxious it's going to be incredible. I've prepared enough cosmo so we can all have our own flask full of pink inebriated goodness. In the meantime, I'm making a sex tape. Kendra of The Girls Next Door likeness has two sex tapes being released this week. She's already made over $500K, and will collect on half of the profits (not to mention more reality shows and fame). While shocking that a sex tape guarantees fame (need I mention Kim Kardashian, the household name and idol of young girls everywhere), I am not above it. Ok, maybe I'm above it, but it's still amazing. Although there is a video camera on my new iPod...
I hope you're enjoying this beautiful sunny day. I can't wait for Memorial Day, our marathon, and most importantly, the opening of the Bridget family pool! Utah, in Summer you're not so bad. In fact, I love you.
Hugs, Kisses and Cosmos,
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Empathetic Civilization Dreamin'
Good Thursday Morning, Bianca!
How are you today? Has your quarter life crisis passed yet? I feel like I have a quarter life crisis about once every two weeks these days.
While your email got me thinking and threw me into my second quarter life crisis of the week, it also reassured me! It’s nice to know that at least one other person is in the same place. And guess what, B? I assume there are a lot of other twenty-somethings trapped in the same lost place.
It’s really hard to reach a goal, when you don’t have one. I feel like my whole life was geared toward college (my over supportive parent story is very similar to yours, but I’m an only child, so I assume mine is worse. I mean, I've literally said, “I’m good at pretty much everything I try” and believed it.). But, I have been graduated from college for two years now. I’m wrapping up my second year of “shaping young minds” on the west side of our fair city. I’m starting graduate school in the fall. By all other accounts I have my life together. I have a career.
You’d think I know what I want to “do” with my life, but Bianca, I have no idea what I want to do, I don’t know what I want to BE.
I get comments all the time from people, “It must be so nice to have a career.” “I can’t believe you finished school so early and are already settled in a career.” WHAT? Teaching is my career? And settled? Does that mean I’m settling? I can’t do this forever. I don’t want to do this forever. There’s no way. I LOVE IT. I love my job, don’t get me wrong, but to me, it’s just that. It’s a job. And this job is mentally and physically exhausting. I don’t get to talk to adults all day unless it’s our very limited email. I hear stories from students about poverty and abuse and have the pleasure of meeting crackhead parents. I’m sorry, but, I can’t do this forever.
And when my head stops spinning madly as I try and explain this to people, I get the question of doom. “Okay, then what do you want to do?” The ugly step sister of, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
I’d like the quote a line from my favorite musical, A Chorus Line and say, “Young.”
But really, the best answer I can come up with is: I’d like to be a stay at home mom without kids. Did I just admit that?
Education is truly where my passion lies and in a perfect world, where I could change underprivileged kids' future and shape their over worked and/or drugged out parents into perfect beings who care about education as much as I do, this is where I’d stay. But unfortunately I know that is far from reality. Reality is, soon, I’m going to be burnt out.
So… where do I go from there? (Note: this is not a rhetorical question; I’d really like you to tell me where to go.)
{Sigh.} After my ramblings, I hope I have given you at least the comfort to know that, hey, I’m right there with ya!
Like I have said a million times, Bianca, it’s going to be okay. No matter what happens, we’re going to be okay! We have both had what we thought were “life ending” problems and we have always managed to survive (barely) unscathed.
We’ll get there, B… wherever there is. (I’d like to think “there” is a tropical island with endless beaches and no responsibilities.)
In any event (I’m trying to end this email with a positive spin), wouldn’t it be nice if the video below had it right? How cool would it be to live in an “Empathetic Civilization?” But would it mean “Republican Free?” I can see this theory sending all our favorite conservatives right into a tail spin. Hee hee!
Empathetic and lost,
How are you today? Has your quarter life crisis passed yet? I feel like I have a quarter life crisis about once every two weeks these days.
While your email got me thinking and threw me into my second quarter life crisis of the week, it also reassured me! It’s nice to know that at least one other person is in the same place. And guess what, B? I assume there are a lot of other twenty-somethings trapped in the same lost place.
It’s really hard to reach a goal, when you don’t have one. I feel like my whole life was geared toward college (my over supportive parent story is very similar to yours, but I’m an only child, so I assume mine is worse. I mean, I've literally said, “I’m good at pretty much everything I try” and believed it.). But, I have been graduated from college for two years now. I’m wrapping up my second year of “shaping young minds” on the west side of our fair city. I’m starting graduate school in the fall. By all other accounts I have my life together. I have a career.
You’d think I know what I want to “do” with my life, but Bianca, I have no idea what I want to do, I don’t know what I want to BE.
I get comments all the time from people, “It must be so nice to have a career.” “I can’t believe you finished school so early and are already settled in a career.” WHAT? Teaching is my career? And settled? Does that mean I’m settling? I can’t do this forever. I don’t want to do this forever. There’s no way. I LOVE IT. I love my job, don’t get me wrong, but to me, it’s just that. It’s a job. And this job is mentally and physically exhausting. I don’t get to talk to adults all day unless it’s our very limited email. I hear stories from students about poverty and abuse and have the pleasure of meeting crackhead parents. I’m sorry, but, I can’t do this forever.
And when my head stops spinning madly as I try and explain this to people, I get the question of doom. “Okay, then what do you want to do?” The ugly step sister of, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
I’d like the quote a line from my favorite musical, A Chorus Line and say, “Young.”
But really, the best answer I can come up with is: I’d like to be a stay at home mom without kids. Did I just admit that?
Education is truly where my passion lies and in a perfect world, where I could change underprivileged kids' future and shape their over worked and/or drugged out parents into perfect beings who care about education as much as I do, this is where I’d stay. But unfortunately I know that is far from reality. Reality is, soon, I’m going to be burnt out.
So… where do I go from there? (Note: this is not a rhetorical question; I’d really like you to tell me where to go.)
{Sigh.} After my ramblings, I hope I have given you at least the comfort to know that, hey, I’m right there with ya!
Like I have said a million times, Bianca, it’s going to be okay. No matter what happens, we’re going to be okay! We have both had what we thought were “life ending” problems and we have always managed to survive (barely) unscathed.
We’ll get there, B… wherever there is. (I’d like to think “there” is a tropical island with endless beaches and no responsibilities.)
In any event (I’m trying to end this email with a positive spin), wouldn’t it be nice if the video below had it right? How cool would it be to live in an “Empathetic Civilization?” But would it mean “Republican Free?” I can see this theory sending all our favorite conservatives right into a tail spin. Hee hee!
Empathetic and lost,
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman
Oh girlfriend,
I'm having another quarter-life crisis. This happens every couple of months (or days depending on who you ask). It all started when I was talking to my adorable 8-year-old neighbor. (She can't say her r's, it's the cutest thing in the wowld). She brought me over a friendship bracelet and we got to talking. She's nervous about starting the third grade. I told her not to worry but my advice didn't help her much. She doesn't want to be an adult, she just wants to be a kid forever. I told her I know how she feels. Then she asked me the question. The question that brings me stress every time I hear it, What do you want to be when you grow up? I'm twenty something years old. Shouldn't I know the answer to this by now? Shouldn't I be on my way to that goal, or at least in the general direction? Sure I love my job, but is this what I want to "be"? No! But if not this, than what?
I think our generation was screwed over by our doting parents. I was told my whole life that I was the most talented, atheltic, smart and beautiful girl out there. I don't know if you know this about me, but I was the most wonderful kid in the whole world. Thanks Mom and Dad, but unfortunately you were wrong. Sure, I'm wonderful, but there are a lot of wonderful god damn kids out there, trust me. They're the ones halfway through medical school while I dream about what I want to be when I grow up. Maybe had my parents gone with the notion that I'm the best Bianca instead of the best kid ever, I might've been more prepared for disappointment. Or at least have an answer for that pesky question.
When are we "grown up"? I know that I'm technically an adult, but it sure doesn't feel that way. I'm still on my mom's cell phone plan. I'm not a girl, not yet a woman. In the mean time, I'm going to ponder how to afford $50,000 for grad school while I come up with a title for my NY Times best selling novel. Or the content for said novel, potato potato (that saying doesn't really translate when written).
In news from reality, even though you have shin splints and are miserable, I'm so excited for our half marathon in San Diego in 2.5 weeks! I'm excited to get out of town and away from the DWs who are on husband search 2010. Not to mention the beach and my family who I have been missing terribly as of late. SLC in NYC + B&B* = Happiness.
Love, dress-up, and playing pretend,
*B&B : Bed and Breakfast, but in this context, Bridget and Bianca.
I'm having another quarter-life crisis. This happens every couple of months (or days depending on who you ask). It all started when I was talking to my adorable 8-year-old neighbor. (She can't say her r's, it's the cutest thing in the wowld). She brought me over a friendship bracelet and we got to talking. She's nervous about starting the third grade. I told her not to worry but my advice didn't help her much. She doesn't want to be an adult, she just wants to be a kid forever. I told her I know how she feels. Then she asked me the question. The question that brings me stress every time I hear it, What do you want to be when you grow up? I'm twenty something years old. Shouldn't I know the answer to this by now? Shouldn't I be on my way to that goal, or at least in the general direction? Sure I love my job, but is this what I want to "be"? No! But if not this, than what?
I think our generation was screwed over by our doting parents. I was told my whole life that I was the most talented, atheltic, smart and beautiful girl out there. I don't know if you know this about me, but I was the most wonderful kid in the whole world. Thanks Mom and Dad, but unfortunately you were wrong. Sure, I'm wonderful, but there are a lot of wonderful god damn kids out there, trust me. They're the ones halfway through medical school while I dream about what I want to be when I grow up. Maybe had my parents gone with the notion that I'm the best Bianca instead of the best kid ever, I might've been more prepared for disappointment. Or at least have an answer for that pesky question.
When are we "grown up"? I know that I'm technically an adult, but it sure doesn't feel that way. I'm still on my mom's cell phone plan. I'm not a girl, not yet a woman. In the mean time, I'm going to ponder how to afford $50,000 for grad school while I come up with a title for my NY Times best selling novel. Or the content for said novel, potato potato (that saying doesn't really translate when written).
In news from reality, even though you have shin splints and are miserable, I'm so excited for our half marathon in San Diego in 2.5 weeks! I'm excited to get out of town and away from the DWs who are on husband search 2010. Not to mention the beach and my family who I have been missing terribly as of late. SLC in NYC + B&B* = Happiness.
Love, dress-up, and playing pretend,
*B&B : Bed and Breakfast, but in this context, Bridget and Bianca.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Shin Splints, Vegas Memories and San Diego Dreams
Dearest Bianca,
Your resume blunder about your (not so) fluentness in Spanish is my absolute favorite. You know Spanish quite well and could hold a conversation with any Spanish speaker (I'm quite confident in your skills), but when it comes to translating written Spanish, you're about as awesome as the rest of us at using Google Translator.
But your Spanish skills are not the reason why I love that story so much... it's because it reminds me of our famous 12 hour trip to Vegas and our fluent French abilities. Bianca, for 12 hours we were French and had everyone believing that we knew not one word of English (accept, of course, bodka!, taxi?, and taken advantage of). How did we get so awesome? I miss that trip (and our good friend Jamie MF Foxx that we had the pleasure of hanging out with).
{Sigh.} Our next trip is quickly approaching, B! I'm so excited! Granted we have to run a pesky 13.1 miles, but that will just be part of it! After our little jog we can play and frolic and drink with SLCinNYC! I'm so stoked that she is coming to cheer us on and play with us! Do you remember our last San Diego trip with SLCinNYC? Yeah, me neither... but I do remember one of us having hair like a bear the next morning... No name naming! :-)
How has your training been going for the SD Rock n' Roll Half Marathon? So far, I have the rock n' roll part DOWN. The marathon part, not so much. I'm going to see a physical therapist today and I'm confident that she will wave a magic wand, cure my shin splints and instill in me the ability to run 13.1 miles without even thinking about it. It's going to be great! Do you think my expectations are a little high? No? Me either. With the prices she charges I expect nothing less that wand of magic. (Every time I type wand I accidently type wang first.... giggles!)
In news a little closer to home and the near future, I'm stoked for girl's night tonight! I'm glad it's going to be a relaxing one. It seems like life has been really stressful lately - for everyone. I feel like all the DramaWhores are disbanding and looking for a life of settled-down-ness and home decorating. BLAH! Bianca promise me we'll never be like that?! And even if we live on separate continents with our awesome future husbands (ew) that we'll still be awesome, adventure seeking and just as hilarious and wild as we are today. Promise?
Shin splinted and (secretly loving being) on hiatus from running,
Your resume blunder about your (not so) fluentness in Spanish is my absolute favorite. You know Spanish quite well and could hold a conversation with any Spanish speaker (I'm quite confident in your skills), but when it comes to translating written Spanish, you're about as awesome as the rest of us at using Google Translator.
But your Spanish skills are not the reason why I love that story so much... it's because it reminds me of our famous 12 hour trip to Vegas and our fluent French abilities. Bianca, for 12 hours we were French and had everyone believing that we knew not one word of English (accept, of course, bodka!, taxi?, and taken advantage of). How did we get so awesome? I miss that trip (and our good friend Jamie MF Foxx that we had the pleasure of hanging out with).
{Sigh.} Our next trip is quickly approaching, B! I'm so excited! Granted we have to run a pesky 13.1 miles, but that will just be part of it! After our little jog we can play and frolic and drink with SLCinNYC! I'm so stoked that she is coming to cheer us on and play with us! Do you remember our last San Diego trip with SLCinNYC? Yeah, me neither... but I do remember one of us having hair like a bear the next morning... No name naming! :-)
How has your training been going for the SD Rock n' Roll Half Marathon? So far, I have the rock n' roll part DOWN. The marathon part, not so much. I'm going to see a physical therapist today and I'm confident that she will wave a magic wand, cure my shin splints and instill in me the ability to run 13.1 miles without even thinking about it. It's going to be great! Do you think my expectations are a little high? No? Me either. With the prices she charges I expect nothing less that wand of magic. (Every time I type wand I accidently type wang first.... giggles!)
In news a little closer to home and the near future, I'm stoked for girl's night tonight! I'm glad it's going to be a relaxing one. It seems like life has been really stressful lately - for everyone. I feel like all the DramaWhores are disbanding and looking for a life of settled-down-ness and home decorating. BLAH! Bianca promise me we'll never be like that?! And even if we live on separate continents with our awesome future husbands (ew) that we'll still be awesome, adventure seeking and just as hilarious and wild as we are today. Promise?
Shin splinted and (secretly loving being) on hiatus from running,
Friday, May 7, 2010
Bianca en Español
Happy Friday!
I apologize for this short and sweet e-mail, but I am so swamped at work. I've just really gotten myself in to a pinch here ever since I embelleshed my resume. I'm not a fluent Spanish speaker, and I should not have told them that I was. I am a broken-Spanish-speaker/conversational-Spanish-understander. The only thing I have going for me in this situation is that nobody around me speaks it, and they believe my translations whole heartedly.
Just barely, I had a coworker walk a letter up to my desk from an angry Spanish speaking consumer. She asked me to translate the letter for her. I speak White-Girl-San-Diego Spanish, not pissed off Pharmaceutical Spanish. Also, I don't decode handwriting very well, either. I recognized two words out of the whole foreign chicken scratched letter. I thought to myself, if I was a Spanish speaker who was using our drugs, what would I be angry about... "She's Mexican. She can't read her pill bottle. And she's mad. About that.".... My coworker gave me a look like she was impressed with my worldy communication skills, then asked if I could write the angry woman an apology letter. F.M.F.L.
After closer inspection of the letter, I found out that the woman was upset because her irritable bowel medication is making her bowels more irritated than before. What am I supposed to say to that, Senora Martinez, I'm sorry that our medication is making you sh*t. It sounds like you have enough sh*t in your life already, and the last thing you need is more sh*t.
You'd think four months living in Spain would give me the language skills needed to respond to such a letter. But nay, I live in Utah, the whitest place on earth.
With the incredible wealth of my Spanish vernacular, I've come up with this: You shit, we're sorry.
The story of my life.
Amor y Besos, Bianca.
I apologize for this short and sweet e-mail, but I am so swamped at work. I've just really gotten myself in to a pinch here ever since I embelleshed my resume. I'm not a fluent Spanish speaker, and I should not have told them that I was. I am a broken-Spanish-speaker/conversational-Spanish-understander. The only thing I have going for me in this situation is that nobody around me speaks it, and they believe my translations whole heartedly.
Just barely, I had a coworker walk a letter up to my desk from an angry Spanish speaking consumer. She asked me to translate the letter for her. I speak White-Girl-San-Diego Spanish, not pissed off Pharmaceutical Spanish. Also, I don't decode handwriting very well, either. I recognized two words out of the whole foreign chicken scratched letter. I thought to myself, if I was a Spanish speaker who was using our drugs, what would I be angry about... "She's Mexican. She can't read her pill bottle. And she's mad. About that.".... My coworker gave me a look like she was impressed with my worldy communication skills, then asked if I could write the angry woman an apology letter. F.M.F.L.
After closer inspection of the letter, I found out that the woman was upset because her irritable bowel medication is making her bowels more irritated than before. What am I supposed to say to that, Senora Martinez, I'm sorry that our medication is making you sh*t. It sounds like you have enough sh*t in your life already, and the last thing you need is more sh*t.
You'd think four months living in Spain would give me the language skills needed to respond to such a letter. But nay, I live in Utah, the whitest place on earth.
With the incredible wealth of my Spanish vernacular, I've come up with this: You shit, we're sorry.
The story of my life.
Amor y Besos, Bianca.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Cinco de Drama-o
Hola Bianca -
Feliz Cinco de Mayo, mi amiga! Donde esta la cervesa y margaritas y tacos?! (Now, that I've exhausted my entire knowledge of the Spanish language... WHAT? I took French in high school.)
How are you today?! The sun is shining and there is celebrations in our Wednesday future! Kickball and then Cinco de Beero at our favie Mexican restaurant? Si, por favor! What could be better? I know... The Hooters competition that we were invited to go to tomorrow night. Yup, we're living the good life, BiancaFace! Isn't it crazy and awesome how we ALWAYS have something to look forward to? Last week we were saying how excited we were for the weekend and I'm already excited for our upcoming weekend plans!
Last weekend recap:
The weekend definitely lived up to expectations. We partied like it was 2003. Though, I must say, our post-collegiate partying may be even more fun than the sorority days (and a lot less messy)! Algebra's show was a blast. I was so surprised how many of our friends showed up. Even though Liquid Ho's wasn't their scene, they totally rallied to be nice friends. Go them.
Preston's surprise party the next night was super successful! I can't believe he had no idea! I thought for sure your uber intelligent and skeptical boyfriend would be on to your tricks, but nay! Total surprise on the birthday front! Win! The open bar provided by Preston's parents was so generous and fun! I'm morbidly curious as to what the bar tab came to...
Warning: The rest of this email may be a little somber for your Bianca-like sensibilities.
Though this weekend was one of the best ever, I can't help it be overshadowed by Drama (yes, capital d). The drama we used to witness was harmless and hilarious, but this weekend it took a sharp turn to horrid. I can't help but feel badly that we may have encouraged this kind of behavior in the beginning and now it can't be stopped. What was with all the DramaWhore on DramaWhore crime this weekend? This may becoming out of no where (or not), but I feel like it must be said: The Ex of another DramaWhore is always off mothertrucking limits.
Though none of us are exactly sure what lines were crossed, it doesn't matter. Even if it is "harmless" flirting, number exchanging or an *OTPHJ, please steer clear of any person's ex who you are (or claim to be) friends with.
I mean, look at Audrina and Kristin on The Hills (I can't believe I'm referencing The Hills, FML)... Brody and Kristin are long over, but Audrina, that was your bad last week at the bar in Miami and you come out looking skankalicious (while Kristin just looks crackalicious).
It's weird how someone else's behavior can make you look at your own life. I've taken a nice look back at my old self and how quick in the past I was to screw over a friend for a dude or choose myself when I should have taken one for the team. I'm really glad I learned the lessons that I did in college. Can you imagine learning all of that now?
Though I would still put myself in the moderately to extremely selfish bracket, I'd like to think that I have a better picture of our little world and how important friendships are in that world. Bianca, I would do anything for you and the other DramaWhores... and I'd hope that I'd get the same in return.
{Sigh.} I feel like my quarter life crisis is coming on and being induced by not so friendly friend behavior. You see, an ex bestie, BillyJean (one word) has made a comeback into my life. After six months of telling people what a bad person I am, she wants to be friends again. Initially, I just took it as a good thing. I'll be friends again, the past is the past, whatever. But now, I'm thinking of all the stuff she's said and done and I'm wondering, "What is her motivation to be in my life?" Do I let all the stuff go? Do I bring it up? Do I ignore her advances?
After so much time with not being involved in practically any friend drama, I feel like I'm up to my eyeballs in it. I think it's time we realize, we too, Bianca, are DramaWhores. Even if we'd prefer to watch from the sidelines, you can't help getting sucked in.
Wondering if and how the drama will end,
*OTPHJ - Over the Pant... figure the rest out.
Feliz Cinco de Mayo, mi amiga! Donde esta la cervesa y margaritas y tacos?! (Now, that I've exhausted my entire knowledge of the Spanish language... WHAT? I took French in high school.)
How are you today?! The sun is shining and there is celebrations in our Wednesday future! Kickball and then Cinco de Beero at our favie Mexican restaurant? Si, por favor! What could be better? I know... The Hooters competition that we were invited to go to tomorrow night. Yup, we're living the good life, BiancaFace! Isn't it crazy and awesome how we ALWAYS have something to look forward to? Last week we were saying how excited we were for the weekend and I'm already excited for our upcoming weekend plans!
Last weekend recap:
The weekend definitely lived up to expectations. We partied like it was 2003. Though, I must say, our post-collegiate partying may be even more fun than the sorority days (and a lot less messy)! Algebra's show was a blast. I was so surprised how many of our friends showed up. Even though Liquid Ho's wasn't their scene, they totally rallied to be nice friends. Go them.
Preston's surprise party the next night was super successful! I can't believe he had no idea! I thought for sure your uber intelligent and skeptical boyfriend would be on to your tricks, but nay! Total surprise on the birthday front! Win! The open bar provided by Preston's parents was so generous and fun! I'm morbidly curious as to what the bar tab came to...
Warning: The rest of this email may be a little somber for your Bianca-like sensibilities.
Though this weekend was one of the best ever, I can't help it be overshadowed by Drama (yes, capital d). The drama we used to witness was harmless and hilarious, but this weekend it took a sharp turn to horrid. I can't help but feel badly that we may have encouraged this kind of behavior in the beginning and now it can't be stopped. What was with all the DramaWhore on DramaWhore crime this weekend? This may becoming out of no where (or not), but I feel like it must be said: The Ex of another DramaWhore is always off mothertrucking limits.
Though none of us are exactly sure what lines were crossed, it doesn't matter. Even if it is "harmless" flirting, number exchanging or an *OTPHJ, please steer clear of any person's ex who you are (or claim to be) friends with.
I mean, look at Audrina and Kristin on The Hills (I can't believe I'm referencing The Hills, FML)... Brody and Kristin are long over, but Audrina, that was your bad last week at the bar in Miami and you come out looking skankalicious (while Kristin just looks crackalicious).
It's weird how someone else's behavior can make you look at your own life. I've taken a nice look back at my old self and how quick in the past I was to screw over a friend for a dude or choose myself when I should have taken one for the team. I'm really glad I learned the lessons that I did in college. Can you imagine learning all of that now?
Though I would still put myself in the moderately to extremely selfish bracket, I'd like to think that I have a better picture of our little world and how important friendships are in that world. Bianca, I would do anything for you and the other DramaWhores... and I'd hope that I'd get the same in return.
{Sigh.} I feel like my quarter life crisis is coming on and being induced by not so friendly friend behavior. You see, an ex bestie, BillyJean (one word) has made a comeback into my life. After six months of telling people what a bad person I am, she wants to be friends again. Initially, I just took it as a good thing. I'll be friends again, the past is the past, whatever. But now, I'm thinking of all the stuff she's said and done and I'm wondering, "What is her motivation to be in my life?" Do I let all the stuff go? Do I bring it up? Do I ignore her advances?
After so much time with not being involved in practically any friend drama, I feel like I'm up to my eyeballs in it. I think it's time we realize, we too, Bianca, are DramaWhores. Even if we'd prefer to watch from the sidelines, you can't help getting sucked in.
Wondering if and how the drama will end,
*OTPHJ - Over the Pant... figure the rest out.
cinco de mayo,
Drama Whores,
Salt Lake City
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