Thursday, June 24, 2010

Vegas Bound


Happy Thursday! (? is it Thursday today?) to you and Saturday to me (or Sunday, which ever you prefer). Being on summer break from the kiddies definitely has its perks, the best one being I get to pretend every day is Saturday or Sunday. Downfall? I don't know if you can call it that, but I find myself NEVER knowing what day it is. Even though I pop in now and then to help out with summer school, this is a much needed break. I actually find myself missing my students (which is a sharp contrast to cursing their existence).

How did Preston enjoy your sex-ay outfit the other night. I've heard of nerd-chic... but what was that? Dork-freak? I'm going to need an update on all of this... maybe I'll just text Preston to see how he is enjoying your new, health inspired garb. (Note: Granny panties do nothing for your health, upgrade B! Upgrade!)

I can't believe how lucky we are! All expense trip to VEGAS! paid for by our ever loving parentals... Who knew all we had to do was run 200 miles through the Wasatch Mountains for them to front the bill?! I wonder if we'll actually do it again next year. Consider doing it for another trip? Likely. Consider doing it for another GIANT medal that doubles as a bottle opener? Hell to the yes! (Dork Alert: The moment I realized our medal has a bottle opening feature was the moment I blocked out Ragnar weekend in June again next year... why is this so cool to me?)

Oh! And B, I have your medal. Unless this extra Ragnar Medal isn't yours, and then it's going in my kitchen drawer. "Corona, anyone? Well, let me just pull out this huge, orange, awesome, thing to open if for you. What? This ol' thing? Just something I picked up running through the motherflipping mountains. The strap? It's made out of my tears and the tears of my teammates. It's magical."

Really fast: Who the eff are we right now? We've always been vacationistas, carryonistas, what have you, but runnistas? That's not even that fun to say. When did we become these crazy [half] marathon running freaks? I guess everyone was right. Running is addicting. (Which is why we're signed up for 3 more this year).

So stoked for Vegas this weekend. I need to (over)pack. Are we carrying on or checking bags? Since we're getting in late it might be smart to carry on. I'm constantly amazed at how much we can fit in our bags and still meet FAA Guidelines. We've got carrying on down to an art form.

I feel like I never get to see you these days. Thank goodness we have email.

See you on the plane,

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Epitome of Sex

Good Morning!

Happy Tuesday to you, Monday to me. I took a well deserved sick day yesterday. The combination of being sore from our 200 mile relay race and accidentally taking two caffiene pills really screwed up my Monday morning. I need to not keep all of my supplements in the same bottle. My Milk Thistle looks too much like my Zainy Brainy caffiene pills (literally, that's what they're called). I don't usually take caffiene pills but I bought them thinking that I might need them for when I had to run 8 miles at two in the morning. I didn't need them then and definitely didn't need them in the morning at my desk before breakfast.

How are you feeling? I'm still sore, but feeling OK. Icy Hot and Yoga Toes (what I like to call happy feet) have become my new best friends. They relieve your toes after you've squished them in high heels or running shoes. I'm wearing them right now and my feet are feeling happy. They're also great for the sex life. There's nothing sexier than when I wear my posture brace while elevating my feet with my yoga toes. If Preston is really lucky, I might even surprise him with a pair of granny panties.

Epitome of sex:

I'm seriously looking forward to our fabulous weekend in Vegas. As much fun as I've had running, I'm ready to ditch the ol tennis shoes and look glamorous again in heels. Not to mention our incredibly generous parents are paying for the whole weekend and we're not staying at the Excalibur! (90% of trips to Vegas that are paid for by parents I end up at the Excalibur via 5 hour road trip). But not this time. Our fabulous selves are staying at a suite at the Paris and flying first class. I mean this in no way rhetorical: How the hell did we pull this off? I can't afford to buy new threads for the trip so I appreciate in advance the use of your closet. Thank you.

Can we talk about John Travolta and Kelly Preston's pregnancy for a minute? Scientologists believe that women can fight menopause... This is a pretty good case for them. Although is anybody taking bets on possible birth defects? What if the Scientologists were right all along? When we die it's like, "Wait a minute, you're not St. Peter..."

Viva Us,


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ragnar Running = Vegas Victory

B B B Bianca (sometimes, even after all these years I type Binaca... Ha!),

I'd like to say that's it's good to be back home from vacation, but, I'd really prefer to just stay in San Diego (not that I have ANY room to complain as I'm emailing poolside with a cocktail and SPF within arm's reach). When you move to San Diego you might want to get a place with an extra bedroom so I can come visit weekly (heck, we almost go there weekly as it is)!

This particular SD trip was incredible. Your family is always so generous and accomodating. Papa Vanderstappen had his house perfectly ready for two carb loading (and then recovering) half marathon runners! Bianca, we did it!! We finished the half marathon and beat our goal times!! I'm so proud of us! I feel like an athlete again! And now all we have to do is run our legs in the Wasatch Back Ragnar this weekend and relax poolside. We totally can do it! Woot!

I have some concerns when it comes to running Ragnar. They are as follows:
-Where do I change clothes?
-How do I unstinkify?
-Where do I pee? Should I pack toilet paper? (EW!)
-How do I stay up all night and/or run on little to no sleep?
-How do you roll and unroll a sleeping bag?
-Will there be blow dryers available along the course?
-Where's my mommy?
-Are we there yet?

I'm glad we went to one of Salt Lake Running Company's lectures on Ragnar, the pack list definitely helped. And when I went back in (for a third time) yesterday the cute sales boy just told me to relax and have fun! "Ragnar's a big party," he says, "Just run your legs and smile." Although, I'm adding one extra thing to the packing list, my best friend Jack Daniels, he always brings the party.

My motivation started effing with me on the half marathon, so I was a little worried about Ragnar, but then I remembered... If we finish.. We have an incredible FREE! trip to Vegas waiting for us at the finish line courtesy of our awesome parents! What do you call that again? Oh yes, a win!

Enjoying summer vacation (and totally appreciating my teeny paycheck that makes this all possible),


*Wasatch Back Ragnar=Bat sh*t crazy relay race from Logan to Park City that an old sorority buddy convinced us to do. See the map. Question our sanity, much?

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Dear Bridget,
I can't believe we are flying to San Diego tomorrow for the half marathon! I checked out the route map for the race, and it is almost all downhill. Not only will it feel incredible to be running at sea level after training at mountain level, but it's DOWNHILL. The running gods are shining down upon us. Also, Carb-loading is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Cheese danish? Why yes, don't mind if I do!
I apologize for all of the exclamation points and adverbs this morning, I'm just so unbelievably! incredibly! outrageously! excited for a weekend in sunny San Diego. I'm homesick, beach sick, and definitely sick of work and Utah, so I feel entitled to my annoying grammar. Not to mention, I need you to know how excited I am, and periods just don't cut it (!).
SLCinNYC has been calling me all morning. I understand that you and I travel more (way more) than the average twenty something, but she's killing me here. She has never, did I mention NEVER, traveled with a carry on before. She checks her bag every single time she flies. It's 25 flippin' dollars each way! I'm forcing her to carry on. She never wears heels in NY but is worried that we're going to be invited to some fabulous function where she'll need them. She is afraid she's going to break out if she doesn't bring every ounce of skincare and her full bottles of shampoo and conditoner. (Yes, I realize hair and skin are seperate entities. She does not.) I think she forgets that she is traveling to beach town with west-coasters. If she has a sundress and a pair of flip flops she'll be just fine. Anyway, she wanted me to tell you to make sure and over pack, just in case.
I can't believe we haven't seen each other in over a week, this never happens. We have so much to catch up on like your pool day, DW Drama, and most importantly... The. Official. Relationship. (please say aloud with the same inflection as, Orange Mocha Frappucino!) Facebook Status Update! Congratulations. The icon of that little pink heart that popped up on my newsfeed just made my day. You and Mr. Algebra are quite the handsome couple (I never understood that saying). But if any couple is handsome, it's you two. Your Dad even commented with a "woo-hoo!", life is good.  
My golf weekend with Preston's family was nice and relaxing. We hung by the pool, drank cocktails all day and oh yeah, golfed (if you can call it that). I'm horrible. Need I remind you of the comment Preston's mom made years back when we first met? "A family that golfs together stays together". If that's the case, my family is going to fall apart and she knows it. I'm just hoping QDW hits it off this weekend with golf-pro guy. If she doesn't screw it up, I'm swooping in (not on him, on free golf lessons). I want my future family to stay together, so I better start practicing. It turns out it takes more than a cute outfit and pink balls to golf well.
Well my friend, I will see you tomorrow night in beautiful, wonderful, sunny, breezy, stress-free SAN DIEGO! And in case I haven't said it enough this week, HAPPY END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR!!
Your carb-lovin carry-onner,

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Code


Welcome home (again) from a trip without me! This whole you vacationing with Preston more than you vacation with me is a bit concerning and it better change right meow! OH WAIT! IT IS!! We leave for America’s Finest City (no, not Provo, crackhead, SAN DIEGO!) on Friday and have a Vegas trip three weeks later! What’s that called again? Oh yeah, a WIN! And that race we have to run on Sunday? Half marathon, much? I’m actually excited and amped for it! YAY!

Though you were gone, the sun was out and we were even able to have a little pool time at the Bridget Family Pool! Ah, happiness. I’m so excited for our pool par-tay in a few weeks. It’s going to be a luau to remember! Also, Algebra and I changed our facebook status to “in a relationship” (huge, embarrassing step). After six months of dating (okay, five and two weeks) we figured it was time to admit it and call it official on the most official place on the internet.

QDW went for the World Record for number of dates one person can have in a three day weekend and seemed happy enough (there’s nothing I love more than happy QDW, it makes my life way more enjoyable). Though, one of her dates happens to be the love of a fellow DW. Thus, the subject line of this email:  What is “the code” when it comes to our best girlfriends and their past loves (whether it be in their dreams, or not)?

Though this man of mystery never actually dated, slept with or was even interested in the sometimes “Karen” (thank you, Dane Cook) of our group, he has been the love of her life since toddler-hood. And unfortunately, blew her off hard core in just the fall.

Spring rolls around: Enter QDW. QDW and this boy hit it off rather well. After the first encounter they both say it’s just friends, then they’re casually texting (all the time, blech), then hang out, possible date and then BOOM! I wake up to yell at QDW to go swimming and find our questionable man in her bed (very embarrassing for me – you should have seen the shades of red I turned – oops!).

Soooo… they discussed they shouldn’t tell DWKaren until they kiss and now that that’s happened, DWKaren is still clueless. There’s been a lot of discussion among the DW’s as to what is “the code” for this situation. Do you tell and possibly piss off or upset a friend for possibly nothing? (i.e.: what if they never see each other again?) OR Do you not tell and live with the fact that you are lying to a friend? (i.e.: they see each other a few more times or down the road after he proposes?)

{Sigh}. I don’t know where I stand. The only advice I can give is, “What would you want to know if you were her?” And the only answer I can come up with is, “I WOULDN’T WANT YOU TO DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE, BETCH!” I mean, if I had the opportunity to hook up with George Clooney, I would turn him down right away, or at least call you first! And I hope you’d do the same for me if you and Eric Bana had a chance encounter.  I know, DWKaren can’t have dibs on the whole world, but isn’t the love of your life (real or otherwise) the ultimate dibs?!

Meh. I give up. The DW’s are on their own on this one. I’m absolving myself from any responsibility and will have an available shoulder (or two) waiting for my bestest of friends should it all crumble around them.

Ready for Sun, Swimming and Sprinting away in SD,
