Thursday, June 24, 2010

Vegas Bound


Happy Thursday! (? is it Thursday today?) to you and Saturday to me (or Sunday, which ever you prefer). Being on summer break from the kiddies definitely has its perks, the best one being I get to pretend every day is Saturday or Sunday. Downfall? I don't know if you can call it that, but I find myself NEVER knowing what day it is. Even though I pop in now and then to help out with summer school, this is a much needed break. I actually find myself missing my students (which is a sharp contrast to cursing their existence).

How did Preston enjoy your sex-ay outfit the other night. I've heard of nerd-chic... but what was that? Dork-freak? I'm going to need an update on all of this... maybe I'll just text Preston to see how he is enjoying your new, health inspired garb. (Note: Granny panties do nothing for your health, upgrade B! Upgrade!)

I can't believe how lucky we are! All expense trip to VEGAS! paid for by our ever loving parentals... Who knew all we had to do was run 200 miles through the Wasatch Mountains for them to front the bill?! I wonder if we'll actually do it again next year. Consider doing it for another trip? Likely. Consider doing it for another GIANT medal that doubles as a bottle opener? Hell to the yes! (Dork Alert: The moment I realized our medal has a bottle opening feature was the moment I blocked out Ragnar weekend in June again next year... why is this so cool to me?)

Oh! And B, I have your medal. Unless this extra Ragnar Medal isn't yours, and then it's going in my kitchen drawer. "Corona, anyone? Well, let me just pull out this huge, orange, awesome, thing to open if for you. What? This ol' thing? Just something I picked up running through the motherflipping mountains. The strap? It's made out of my tears and the tears of my teammates. It's magical."

Really fast: Who the eff are we right now? We've always been vacationistas, carryonistas, what have you, but runnistas? That's not even that fun to say. When did we become these crazy [half] marathon running freaks? I guess everyone was right. Running is addicting. (Which is why we're signed up for 3 more this year).

So stoked for Vegas this weekend. I need to (over)pack. Are we carrying on or checking bags? Since we're getting in late it might be smart to carry on. I'm constantly amazed at how much we can fit in our bags and still meet FAA Guidelines. We've got carrying on down to an art form.

I feel like I never get to see you these days. Thank goodness we have email.

See you on the plane,

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